

Telehealth services offered in Coral Gables, South Miami and Miami Beach, FL


About Telehealth

The convenience of telehealth for your mental health needs allows you to connect with your Mind & Soul Therapy & Acupuncture mental health professional from the comfort of your home, whether you're seeking therapy, counseling, or medication management. Their easy-to-use platform and flexible scheduling make it simple to prioritize your well-being without the hassle of travel. Call the office in Miami, South Miami, and, Coral Gables, Florida, today to book your appointment. You can also schedule online.

Telehealth Q&A

What is telehealth?

Telehealth is a way of delivering health care services using technology, like video calls, phone calls, or secure messaging. Instead of visiting your doctor’s office in person, you can connect with your provider from the comfort of your home or any other location with an internet connection.

Telehealth covers a wide range of services, including medical consultations, follow-ups, therapy sessions, and even some types of diagnostic assessments.

I’m technically challenged. Can telehealth work for me?

Yes! Mind & Body Soul Therapy & Acupuncture’s telehealth platforms are straightforward, requiring just a few simple steps to get started. They are designed to be user-friendly, even for those who aren't tech-savvy.

If you can make a phone call or send a text message, you can likely handle a telehealth appointment. The administrative office staff can also offer technical support to help you set up and navigate the platform.

Here’s what you generally need for telehealth:

  • Device: a tablet, smartphone, or computer with a camera and microphone
  • Internet connection: a stable internet connection for video calls, but phone calls can also work
  • Platform: your provider offers guidance on how to access it

If you’re unsure about using telehealth, don’t hesitate to ask for help — they’re there to make the process as easy as possible.

How does telehealth work for mental health appointments?

Telehealth is especially effective for mental health services. You can have therapy sessions, medication management, and other mental health consultations via video call, phone call, or even chat, depending on what you’re most comfortable with.

Your appointment involves:

  1. Schedule an appointment: Book your visit just like you would for an in-person visit.
  2. Connect: Meet with your mental health specialist at your appointment time via the chosen platform.
  3. Start your session: The session proceeds much like in person — discussing your concerns, working through therapy techniques, and planning the next steps.
  4. Follow up: After your session, you can often schedule follow-ups, get prescriptions sent directly to your pharmacy, or receive resources through the platform.

Telehealth brings the support you need directly to you, making mental health care accessible and convenient. Book an appointment today by phone or online.